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Seven Pines Baptist Church Rev. Marlon Haskell Pastor elect

Welcome to the Seven Pines Baptist Church site

516 Old East Williamsburg Rd.
Sandston, Virginia 23150

Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Praise & Bible Study 7:00 P.M Thursdays


The Alpha Church at the Omega of the highway where Everybody is a Somebody

We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.

This site will present our organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message. We'll also include specific information about our church and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.

On this Home page, we'll introduce our cause or message. We'll also try to include a picture or two that represents the kind of work we do.

Mission Statement:

To be committed and dedicated Christians who do not limit our area of concern for other; and who, by the aid of The Holy Spirit, become active in meeting the crucial needs of people while exemplifying LOVE in action.

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